35 Years of
4 Branches across
Effective, Efficient and Affordable
Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment in Gujarat
What is Allergy?
Allergy is Hypersensitivity to certain objects. Allergy is related to our Immunity system. When our immunity system reacts abnormally towards certain objects, it produces certain unwanted reactions in our body that is allergy. Allergy is subjective. The harmless objects which causes allergy are termed as allergens. A person could be allergic to any object such as pollens, dust, food articles, clothes, metals, smoke, chemicals etc. Allergy can produce mild to severe symptoms.
Sign & symptoms of allergy
There is a wide range of sign & symptoms of allergy differing from person to person
- Skin allergy such as rashes, blisters, itching etc.
- Symptoms related to respiratory system such as allergic rhinitis, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, running nose, asthma etc.
- Symptoms related to digestive system such as colic pan, diarrhea etc.
Skin Allergy treatment
The primary treatment of allergy is prevention. Simply don’t expose to the allergens (subjects which causes allergy). Avoiding allergen is easily possible in certain cases such as avoiding a specific food article, but in many instances it becomes very difficult such as pollens, smoke etc. Modern medicine provides temporary relief by suppression. The ideal treatment is boosting up and modulating your immunity system. Here comes the role of Ayurveda.
Allergy and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, allergy is a result of vitiated doshas. The doshas (vaayu, pitta and kapha) gets imbalanced due to exposure to allergens and produces various sign & symptoms. Ayurveda also puts emphasis on our immunity. By modulating our immunity through various herbal immunity boosters one can get permanent cure of allergy.
Allergy Ayurveda treatment
Ayurveda believes in total health. Ayurveda opts for providing permanent cure from the disease. Skin allergy treatment in ayurveda consists of preventing exposure to allergens, modification in diet- life style and proper Ayurveda medicines for Allergy.
Ayurveda believes in customization. Out of thousands of Ayurvedic medicines available for allergy such as Guduchi, Tulsi, Haridra (turmeric), Bhumyamalaki etc. The Ayurvedic doctor for allergy needs to choose the best set of medicines depending upon the patient’s constitution (Prakriti) and overall strength. Proper diagnosis is of utmost importance in Allergy ayurveda treatment. By administering correct Ayurveda treatment, one can have permanent cure of Allergy.
Saloni Sheth (Surat)
"My son Keval was having allergic rhinitis. When seasons change, he used to start cold and cough. I was tired of giving him allopathic medicines over and over. Somehow I came in contact with Atharva Ayurveda and Panchakarma centre. I have started Dr. Kedar Upadhyay’s Ayurvedic treatment. I can say that within 6 months of treatment, Keval’s allergic episodes were drastically decreased. He didn’t need any allopathic medicine in this spring. Ayurvedic treatment in seasonal change allergy and cold-cough is really effective."
Vikas Ahuja
"I am from Delhi. A work in an IT firm at Ahmedabad. Whenever I experienced sudden temperature difference, I started to have headache, running nose and sore throat. In summers the problem was becoming worse. I was in search of the permanent solution and someone asked me to try Ayurveda. I have surfed through internet and found Atharva Ayurveda & Pnachakarma centre. I have cpnsulted Dr. Kedar Upadhyay and started his Ayurveda treatment. I have taken his treatment for almost 7-8 months. It’s been two years now and I don’t feel any allergic problem till date. I think Ayurveda has provided permanent relief from allergy. Thank you Dr.Kedar Upadhyay for your proper Allergy Ayurveda treatment."
Raajshree Desai
"I had a skin allergy. I suddenly developed itchy rashes throughout body. The reason was unknown. The frequency was 8-10 times a month. Every time I had to take cetirizine for temporary relief. I have heard that Ayurveda is very effective in Allergy. I have consulted Dr. Kedar Upadhyay for Ayurvedic treatment of skin allergy. Within 3 month of treatment my skin rashes allergy frequency was reduced to 1-2 times a month. Within 5 months my allergy was totally cured. Thank you Atharva Ayurveda & Panchakarma Centre for providing permanent cure of my skin allergy."