What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the ancient and traditional system of natural healing from India. Ayurveda is based upon remembering, reconnecting and celebrating the eternal harmony and sacred connections between man and nature. The follower of Ayurveda begins to discover deep nurturance ever available in nature, and gradually becomes ONE with the great cycle and rhythm of nature.
What does the word Ayurveda mean?
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word. The word Ayurveda literally means the science of Life. Notice, that Ayurveda is not merely the compendium of ‘Disease’ and its management. Life is a vast and an all encompassing phenomena which includes death. On one end Life is a celebration of birth, growth, child bearing, youth and sexuality; on the other end, life also brings forth disease, decay, aging, and loss of vigor. Ayurveda is that ancient art and science that helps us understand this very ‘life’ with all its different shades and colors; understand how best we can undertake this journey and how we transition through its different phases; for example, from teenage to adulthood to maturity, etc. Following the principles of Ayurveda brings about a profound understanding of the inner ability to have sound body, mind and spirit.
Why should I go for Ayurveda?
Ayurvedic system of medicine carries a holistic approach; it not only treats the symptoms but treats the root cause of the disease. It is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications.
What is the speciality of Ayurveda?
Almost all the diseases can be cured by Ayurveda, but Ayurveda is extremely effective in all the chronic diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, Migraine, Ulcerative colitis, Kidney and liver diseases, etc. These chronic diseases can be cured and eradicated from their root by appropriate Ayurvedic medicines and treatment.
Does Ayurvedic treatment take a long time to heal ailments?
No. This is a common misconception regarding Ayurveda. The question you have to ask yourself is: are you looking for a quick fix or mere suppression of symptoms or are you actually seeking to dissolve the deep rooted cause of the imbalance and rejuvenate deeply? We recommend if you are looking for a quick fix or a quick suppression then Ayurveda is not the right modality for you. But if you are looking to get to the bottom of your imbalance then Ayurveda, in a relatively short time (you will be surprised) will begin to offer its benefits. In reality, the time to heal any imbalance depends on various factors – age, type of disease, degree of imbalance, whether it is acute or chronic, how many doshas, tissues, organs and channels are involved in the disease process. If the disease is newly formed and is with a single dosha and tissue involvement, then Ayurveda can balance this condition very quickly. On the other hand if the condition is formed with the aggravation of two or three doshas, and if more organs and channels are involved, and it has become somewhat chronic then naturally, the treatment takes longer time to restore this imbalance.
How is Ayurveda related to Yoga?
Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences and work harmoniously together to deliver sound body, pure mind and free spirit. In India, there is a long standing tradition of practicing both Yoga and Ayurveda together, for maximum enhanced and positive results.
What are the methods of diagnosis in Ayurveda?
There are three main methods mentioned in Ayurveda for diagnosing the Dosha imbalance and disease process in a person. They are – 1. Darsana Pareeksha – By observing the patient’s physical signs and symptoms, Example – colour of skin, hair, eyes, behavior, body condition etc. 2. Prasna Preeksha – By asking questions regarding the imbalance of each Doshas. 3. Sparsana Pareeksha – By touching the patient. The pulse diagnosis, palpation, percussion and auscultation are included in this method.
How does Ayurvedic pulse analysis work?
Ayurvedic practitioners feel the radial artery with three fingers to evaluate the balanced and imbalanced conditions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in mind and body. This is an important skill that your Ayurvedic practitioner can employ to read the subtle condition of your bodily Doshas. This is a subtle esoteric art.
What are the treatment methods in Ayurveda?
The treatment in Ayurveda can be classified broadly into two methods –
Shamana Chikitsa (Alleviating Therapy)
Sodhana Chikitsa (Purification Therapy)
What is Shamana Chikitsa (Alleviating Therapy)?
Herbal medicines are used internally and externally to correct the derangement of functions of Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Agni and also to increase the Immunity. The restoration of normality is brought about without any elimination.
What is Sodhana Chikitsa (Purification Therapy)?
The main aim of this treatment is to eliminate the internal causative factors of the disease. Large quantities of toxic bi-products are formed in the body as a result of continuous metabolic process. All though most of these toxins are eliminated naturally by the body’s excretory system, some may get deposited in the various tissues of the body, which ensures the vitiation of Doshas, Dhatus etc. and then the normal functioning of the system is impaired. Similarly disease causing toxins accumulate in the body as a result of various factors like wrong body habits, wrong food habits, incompatible combination of food items, suppression of the body urges, emotional imbalance etc. Panchakarma therapeutic procedures are used to facilitate the elimination of such harmful factors.
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means “five actions” or “five treatments”. This science of purifying the body is an ancient branch of Ayurveda. Panchakarma is the cornerstone to Ayurvedic management of disease. Pancha Karma is the process, which gets to the root cause of the problem and re-establishes the essential balance of ‘Tridosha’ (three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in body. Pancha Karma is not only good for alleviating disease but is also a useful tool in maintaining excellent health. Ayurveda advises undergoing Pancha Karma at the seasonal changes in order to clean the body and improve the digestion and metabolic processes.
What is Shirodhara?
Shirodhara is a titillating form of snehana treatment, whereby the oil or therapeutic substance methodically drips along a coarse thread onto the forehead. A metal or clay vessel, the dhara patra, is suspended directly above the forehead. The oil or other fluid is poured into the pot, and then seeps through a hole in the bottom of the pot and slides down a 4 –inch long thread, half of which hangs through the hole. The drops of oil from the thread drip directly onto the subject’s third eye, or center of the forehead. Shirodhara is very beneficial in diseases such as stress, anxiety, migraine, epilepsy, hypertension, and hair growth.
TRIDOSHA (Viz. Vayu, Pitta, Kapha) means three humoral factors which are responsible for performing all activities in the body. In Ayurveda, diagnosis is based on tridosha. It also denotes your body type or body constitution. Based on the constitution (Prakriti) and body type the medicines and therapy are decided.
Are Ayurvedic medicines free of side effects?
If taken as directed by physician, and in appropriate quantity, Ayurvedic medicines are safe,they have no side effects. Since they are prepared form herbs & minerals after proper processing according to classical ayurvedic methods of manufacturing, Ayurvedic medicines are free from side effects.