
7 Ways to Remain Healthy in Monsoon

(1) You should eat less. Excessive eating is always disastrous. One should eat as per our body’s requirements. By doing so, our digestive system will remain healthy; if our digestive system will remain healthy then all of the other systems in our body will also remain healthy. In a nutshell, eat less and hygienic. Best Ayurvedic Treatment Centre in India

(2) At least 2 hours of gap is necessary between dinner and sleep. Do not sleep in the day time. By doing so, the digestive system will remain healthy. You can use Shunthi and Haritaki to improve your digestion. In case of diarrhea or dysentery, you can use any the herb Kutaj. Best Ayurvedic Treatment Centre in India

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(3) Usually in monsoon, we can see some common type of diseases like fever, common cold, body ach etc. for preventive as well as curative measures, one can take herbs like Guduchi, Bhumyamlaki, Haridra, Katuki, Kalmegh etc. (as per one’s body constitution, in proper dosage) All these herbs help improve your immunity. From all of these herbs, according to your suitable medicine, you can take that medicine and remain healthy for a longer period of time.

(4) Many people get triggered by allergy during monsoon. Running nose, throat pain, and irritation, sneezing etc are some of the common allergic symptoms. In this type of situation, one can use herbs like Haridra – Maricha – Ginger – Ardusi and Tulsi. Either in the form of decoction or can be taken along with honey. One can also use green tea made up from mint and tulsi.

(5) if the allergic & asthma conditions are deteriorated, one can use the preparations like Laxmi Vilas Ras and Swas Kas Chintamani Ras as per the suggestion of the Ayurveda doctor. These preparation provide prompt results.

(6) If continues fever along with body ache persists, one needs to immediately consult a physician and get the checkups done. There might be the possibilities of fatal diseases like Dengue. Some of the Ayurvedic herbs like Papaya leaves, Guduchi etc are very helpful in dengue. Ayurveda herbs can be taken along with necessary modern medicines.

(7) Overall hygiene must be maintained during monsoon. Water logging is major issues nearby our residences and societies. Water logging helps the mosquitoes to breed and survive which eventually results in infections and epidemics. We must keep our surroundings clean and moist free. Ayurveda can help in preventing the infections by keeping away the mosquitoes and insects. Smoke of Neem leaves along with Guggulu in one of the very potent disincentives. One should practice it every day at home. Just bring some green neem leaves, add some guggulu in it and burn it. Let the smoke spread throughout your house. It will wipe off all the insects and infectious agents. Best Ayurvedic Treatment Centre in India